Sunday, January 24, 2010

Who Is Ci'RA ????

I have often had many pychic flashes, precognitive dreams, clairaudient, and clairvoyant experiences. I needed to have this difference explained.

Religion was no help, since most religions simplistically qualifies these events as occult, evil from the devil, or some other equally rediculous foolishness!

Newtonian science seemed reluctant to investigate that which they fancied they could not directly observe.

Then along came the quantum physicists...they were finally stepping where the mystics had travelled for thousands of years...into the realm of met-physics....where they discovered that within the boundaries of their labs, it could indeed be observed that thoughts affected energy bundles, and the behavior and movement of these.

PSI phenomena is about ENERGY, and its uses...nothing more, nothing less. It need not be wrapped up nor associated with any form of rituals, although many occultists do indeed use ritual to help them focus.

Prayer often works , NOT because of what religion one practices, nor because of the intervention of some divine being, but simply because of the mental focus of one's thoughts, which is just another form of universal energy.

In the early '70's I became affiliated with several groups which explained para-normal events and psi skils to my satisfaction.

I have lived an unusual life...a CHARMED one, really....

I have been a member of the Rosicrucian Order for over thirty years,and I attended their week long convention in Toronto , at which time I took formal initiation.

Then I left home for yet another week to go through a Vision Quest, another Inner Initiation in which I went through the Dark Night of the Soul, confronted my demons, and passed through an alchemical fire, in the bardo manner of Egyptian Mystery School Tradition, as originally taught in ancient Egypt, and practiced by Aknaton (Amenotep IV).

These two major events in consciousness apparently propelled me into having something happen to me chemically, perhaps DNA strands were activated...anyway I seem able to access higher levels of consciousness, and just as John Dee was taught a whole new language he called the Enochian, I was taught a higher symbolic language called META communication.

Also, I became an automatic writer.

I have been trained by the Knights Templar ( of Davinci fame).. and have successfully completed my years as a Page I have been accepted for KNIGHTHOOD. I plan to do this at a Templar stronghold (see location in Holy Blood, Holy Grail) in southern France.

After returning home , material for the Ci'RA FILES was received. My teachers suggested the opening of a TEMPLE, through which others could be psychically opened.

I still have certain grave reservations about that because contacts were beginning to treat this as yet another religion and church...the planet does not need any more of those!

Last summer I began to receive and scribe
The Ci'RA Files.

Finally I was given to know that Ci'RA CORP would be formed, to promote free will, and to impell students into a Journey into Higher Consciousness. It would also to be an umbrella for an animal rights group, and for internet marketing opportunities, virtual malls , etc. a way for me to make a living on this physical plane.

Eventually Ci'RA will form an online world. But , the ultimate objective of those backing her is to compell humanity to form a one- world government, to encourage the love-destruction of religio/political boundaries, and to raise the consciousness of all mankind...that I can live with...but since it will probably be beyond my time, I may not have to.

Besides the obvious promotion of the CI'RA Sites and of Ci'RA CORP, my present goal is to learn as much as possible about personal energy, to thus fascillitate control of Self, and hence the creation of my own reality.

And....I want to live a simple, uncomplicated life experience the moments that makes life precious and so worth livin.

Who, then, is Ci'RA ???? She is a gestalt of Consciousness , other than Self, who makes contact through the process of Over-Shadowing.

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